Biweekly Report-4
In the past weeks, I worked on various fronts. Here is the following Task that I carried out :
Page Movement Testing
One of the important tests is the Page Movement. This is divided into subparts:
- Firstly, a test that checks the Read More part of the Wikipedia Preview. When one clicks on the Read More div, then it should take the user to the content/definition page. This is done by changing the value of the target attribute of the <a> tag element and making it equal to ‘_self’. This helps to test the newly visited page in the same window.
- Lastly, test the reload of the page. This test opens the preview and then reloads the page. Once the page reopens, we again click on the preview and check for its existence.
Gallery Testing
- Then, I entered the major part of the project, i.e. to create a test for the Gallery Section of the Preview. In order to start this, I started by creating the page object of the Gallery Section. This gallery page object will be used in the creation of test cases and helps in accessing the elements easily.
The test cases for Gallery is divided into two subparts:
- First test is to check the opening of the gallery section. This involves clicking on the gallery part of the preview and opening the Gallery.
- Second test is to check the switching of the images on the Gallery. This is carried by the clicking of the previous and Next buttons provided in the Gallery
The Test cases are designed to test the Gallery for the mobile version. These are as follow:
- Created a Test to check the opening of the gallery section in mobile view
- Designed test to check the switching of the images in Gallery by swiping the images.
- Lastly, a test was designed for checking the scrollable part of the caption provided in some images. This check
In the end, I spent time resolving the build errors and refactoring the config.yml file. Finally, all my test cases are running successfully on circle CI.